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Home School Academy
Home School Academy

Tue, May 18


Emerald Coast Science Center

Home School Academy

We invite all young explorers (ages 6-12)* to take part in our Home School Science Academy. Students will participate in hands-on science lessons designed to foster a life-long love of science. *Lessons tailored to grades 1st-5th.

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Time & Location

May 18, 2021, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Emerald Coast Science Center, 31 Memorial Pkwy SW, Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548, USA

About The Event

 Lessons tailored to grades 1st-5th*

We  invite all young explorers (Ages 6-12) to take part in our Home School Science Academy.  Students will  participate in hands-on science lessons designed to foster a life-long  love for science. 

Classes scheduled for the 3rd Tuesday of the month (through May)

9:00 am-1:00 pm

 Students will need to bring their own lunch

Cost per session

$30 members / $35 nonmembers 

Preregistration is required

Please ensure your registration forms have been submitted and tickets purchased. You can fill out and either email it to or bring it with you to the workshop.our registration form here

For more information, please contact: 850-664-1261  •


*Students must be at a first grade reading level. Book all 10 classes in advance  and receive 10% off your registration. There will be no refunds offered  for missed classes without notice. To receive a 75% refund for a missed  class, please provide one weeks advance notice.

2020-2021 Home School Academy Schedule 

August 18: Marine Biologist

Get  a clue about the Big Blue! Learn about Earth’s largest ecosystem--from  the role it plays in our world and everyday life to the animals that  call it home.    

September 15: Chemist

Let’s  get chemical! This month we'll discover some of the different elements  that make up our universe and experiment to see what they are really  capable of.   

 October 20: Paleontologist

These  creatures once walked on the same ground we do, and even though they  are long gone, they left behind clues to what life was once like on  planet Earth. We'll also figure out how scientists know so much about  animals they’ve never actually seen.  

November 17: Zoologist

Mammals,  Reptiles, Birds, Fish, and more! Our planet is home to a wide variety  of animals, so let's discover their similarities and differences while  meeting some real life examples of them, too!    

December 15: Mechanical Engineer

It’s  GO time! Let’s learn all about cars, boats, planes and more. Where do  you think the machines that move us around get their get up and GO?    

January 19: Robotic Engineer

What’s  a robot, and how can we get them to do all our work for us? Get your  wheels turning while you learn to program and play with our resident  robot collection.    

February 16: Microbiologist

Microorganisms  are all around us, but they are too small to be seen with our eyes  alone. If they’re so small then why are they a big deal? We’re going to  zoom in and find out!    

March 9*: Astronaut

Leave  Earth and spend a day among the stars. Let’s explore outer space,  everything in it, and see how scientists discovered worlds beyond our  own. Don’t space out, we have too much to learn!    

April 20: Geologist

Science  Rocks! Especially the science OF rocks. Learn about the different kinds  of rocks and how to identify them as you gain a new appreciation for  the ground below your feet.   

 May 18: Acoustic Technologist

Our ears are responsible for one of our most important senses... Let’s make some noise for this week's lesson as we learn about different sounds, how they are produced and processed.     or so I hear.

*holiday schedule


  • Member

    Bring membership card with e-ticket to verify pricing at check in!

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  • Nonmember

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